Saturday, December 27, 2014

Plan a New Life for 2015!

Lets Make a Vision Board!
As the year ends, we all start to account for the goals accomplished in the year ending and begin making a list of what we want for the year to come. When doing so, I find vision boards a very powerful and beautiful way to set my mind and energy towards what I want to bring into my life in the future.
Vision boards are typically a poster on which you can pin, paste or collage images that represent those things or goals you wish to accomplish. The real power behind it, is that when you surround yourself with images of what you want, who you want to become, where you want to live, what your goals are, etc.; your energy and your life starts moving in that direction to match those images, wishes and desires.
What do you need to make your vision board?
  1. Poster board.
  2. Magazines, pictures, scrapbook materials, stickers, catalogs, etc. Anything with images of the things that you want or that inspire you.
  3. Glue
  4.  Any extra decorations you might want to use to inspire yourself or add some extra flare.
Before you begin your vision board you should have a moment to yourself, sit quietly, set the mood, maybe pour some wine, put on some music, ask yourself what you want and let the emotions and feelings flow.After clearing your mind, heart and soul, get to work and make your vision board following these 5 easy steps:
  • Step 1: Pick the images, word or phrases that work for what you want from your magazines, photo albums, catalogs, etc.
  • Step 2:  Lay your favorite items on the board and eliminate those that no longer feel just perfect and necessary, use your intuition for this. The layout will come naturally to you; it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you. You can start your design in the corners or maybe do a grid, possibilities are endless, be creative.
  • Step 3: Glue everything onto the board. You can add decorations to it if you want, words, you can also write on it, paint over it, etc.
  • Step 4: This step is optional but powerful; you can leave some blank space in the center of the vision board and add a beautiful photo of yourself in which you look your absolute best and where you irradiate happiness. You are the center of your life so it makes sense you are the center of your board.
  • Step 5: Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it often and please do see it, if you can, every day.

I already did mine, so I invite you to make your vision board before the year ends so you can start the year working on building the 2015 you want to live in. Remember, nothing in this life comes without doing your share of the work, chip in and let the universe do the rest.
Send us a picture of your vision boards to and we’ll share them and send some good vibes your way.
Happy New Year!
Lots of love,

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