Saturday, January 17, 2015

7 Ways To Reboot Your Body

We want to make this the healthiest year yet and last week we covered detoxing tips for the skin and how regular peels are key to having the skin we dream of, so today, I want to talk to you about your body and how to reboot for a smoking hot 2015.

We often read about diets, miracle detox plans and rush weight loss programs but the reality is we need to keep our health as a priority; remember, health is beauty. Honoring this principle I’m sharing with you some of the things I do in order to reboot my body and my system and staying slim, healthy and energized.

  1. Make Smoothies: My nutritionist always reminds me about my daily fruit and vegetable intake but I juggle a lot everyday: clients, staff, patients, kids, friends, lovers, training and meetings... I don’t have a lot of time. My best bet is to take part of my fruits and vegetables of the day and turn them into smoothies, sometimes with a shot of protein in them and I’m ready to go.

  2. Take Time to De-Stress: Plan your body care “to the T”. Take time to book your monthly treatments, whether it’s a deep tissue massage, a body scrub, a bikini wax, lipo-melt, etc and keep it. Include every day at home pampering too, don’t skip your daily moisturizing and sunscreen rituals.

  3. Eat at home: Pick a time to cook your weekly meals if you take your lunch to work with you, you can also get a head start on sides and partially cooked foods to keep in the fridge and prepare quick dinners for those late nights and have a few snack bags ready to go for the everyday run out the door.

  4. Eat fresh: Eat whole foods, fresh foods, natural and organic foods. These will always be better for your body.

  5. Exercise: At least 25 min a day. Run, jump, hike or walk around the block. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, carry the grocery bags or your purse and lift them like weights. Walk while you talk on the phone to your loved one, squat while you watch the news at night. There are no excuses.

  6. Stick to the plan: Have a plan and stick to it. If you cheat on your wellness path you are only cheating on yourself. Love and respect yourself enough to keep up the good work.

  7. Be smart: I always have my favorite dietician an wellness coach on call, I follow them on social media, keep up with them on the web, read their blogs. There is so much information out there and you can’t believe everything so I always go to the best source I know, ask questions and really learn what works for me; it’s important to remember everyone is different and has special needs, goals and circumstances. If you are looking for help, I recommend Catherine Kruppa and her team from They are absolutely amazing and they are right here in Houston across the street from us. They can help you achieve your goals by yourself or with your family. They can even take you on a Supermarket Tour where you will learn how to make the best choices in the store. You definitely have to check them out, and while you’re there, tell them Escarle from Alira sent you. You won’t regret it.
I hope these tips can help you get on track. This is your year.

Lots of love,

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