Sunday, January 11, 2015

Peel Off the Old You!

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying this first month of the New Year. As we start 2015, I’ve been getting a lot of questions from fans, friends and clients on how to detox, how to clear our skin, anti-aging tips and so on, so I’ve decided to dedicate this week’s post to peels and answer many questions at once.

Peels are a great way to give our skin and our cells a clean slate and a chance to rejuvenate. Lets get rid of some of those wrinkles, stress, marks, sunburns and acne. A peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of our skin and applying chemicals to remove the damaged layer of our skin does it.

There are three types of chemical peels: Superficial/Light Peels, medium depth peels, and deep peels. The main differences are how much skin they remove, how deep they penetrate, its strength, and how long it is left on. This also is determined by what kind of chemical or peeling agent is used when doing the peel.

A superficial/light peel is the gentlest type of peel available. Only the top layer of the skin is removed and can give you an instantly brighter look as well as a smoother, more even texture on your skin. It can be used to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, mild acne scarring, age spots and dry or flaking skin. A course of between 6 and 10 treatments is usually recommended to achieve the best results. It doe not hurt and there is virtually no recovery time. You can be a little bit pink afterwards but this can be disguised with make-up. With a superficial peel you would be able to return to work or go out straight afterwards and no one would know you had had anything done.

A medium depth peel gives more dramatic results than superficial peels because it penetrates deeper into the skin and can be used to treat sun damage, pigmentation and wrinkles. The downside is that you might have a longer recovery. You may also feel more discomfort during the treatment. Your face can become a little swollen, pink and itchy following treatment and you will get a little ‘peeling’ of the skin than you would with a superficial peel. Generally recovery takes around a week.

Deep peels are the strongest type available and can achieve wonderful results for sun damage, scarring and deep lines and wrinkles. This type of peel is a little more painful and can take more time to fully recover from. Your skin will be very red and feel almost like it’s sun burnt after the procedure. Although you will heal in one to three weeks the results of the peel are long lasting. You will peel and your skin will be itchy. But it’ll be worth it. This type of peel is for more serious skin conditions looking for stronger or radical results.

At Alira, we have a wide selection of peels for you to choose from, but of course, we have a few favorites for you to choose from:

Glysalac Sothys Peel: Choose this peel for an effective skin exfoliation; it brings instant radiance to the skin. This is a soft peel, works great as an introduction to a deeper peel.

Lactic peel: This type of peel has a skin moisturizing effect; it’s special for sensitive & fine skin types.

Glycolic Peel: Improves pigmented lesions, acne scars and minimizes fine lines. This type of peel works great on all skin types.

Jessner: This peel is special for dark spots & irregular skin tones, it also works wonders for all skin types.

Salicylic Peel: This type of peel is powerful with a regulating effect for greasy, acne-prone and/or seborrheic skin.

Green Peel: Involves 3 treatment methods where each individual skin need can be met. Freshen up, Energy & Classic.

Remember our safe and effective medical treatments are the perfect complement to our other beauty-enhancing services. Feel free to ask any questions when you book your next appointment. Our team is here to help you accomplish your beauty goals.

And this month, if you are a VIP MEMBER at our Spa you have a Complimentary Glysalac Sothys Peel!

Hope to see you soon for your next treatment!

Lots of love,

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